The new Escort Redline 360c ($749) is Escort’s new flagship radar detector. It is very well-rounded and offers excellent long range performance, the best false alert filtering available, arrows, undetectability, and it’s jam packed with tons of useful features. It has just about every feature you could want and is a strong performer across the board. If you’re looking for the best radar detector on the market, take a good look at the new Redline 360c.
Full disclosure: This is not a paid or sponsored review. (I never ever do those.) These are my actual thoughts and opinions, good and bad. I paid full retail for my Redline 360c and this article has affiliate links.
Redline 360c Review: Updated
This review has been completely rewritten. When the Redline 360c first launched (with firmware version 1.2), there were a bunch of critical problems: The arrows didn’t work, it lacked rear radar detection, the ramp-up didn’t properly communicate when you were getting close to the officer, the detector would sometimes start disabling radar detection on its own, etc. In short, initially this detector was pretty awful. You can see more in my initial impressions video.
Fortunately Escort quickly released a new firmware update (fw 1.3) that resolved the most critical issues and also added some additional useful features. Thanks to this update, the Redline 360c is now pretty fantastic. It’s not perfect and there are still a few issues that need to be addressed, but it’s much better than it was originally. In this review, I’ll be taking a fresh look at what it’s like now after this big update.
In a nutshell, you can now think of the new Redline 360c as a souped up Max 360c with longer range, fewer false alerts, and RDD immunity for $100 more.
Redline 360c Review Overview
- Long range performance
- Excellent BSM Filtering
- Arrows
- MRCD / MRCT detection
- Stealth & RDD Immune
- Integrated GPS
- Automatic lockouts
- Low speed muting
- Redlight / Speedcam Alerts
- Bluetooth
- WiFi
- Escort Live cloud alerts
- Automatic updates
- Multicolor OLED Display
- Speed limit displayed on screen
- Laser jammer integration
- Solid build quality
- Great mount
- May display incorrect number of signals at close range
- No Open API
- MultaRadar falses
- No directional info for MultaRadar
- Misleading marketing claims
- Ramp-up needs further refinement
- Only has 2.4 GHz WiFi, lacks 5.0 GHz
- Expensive at $749
- Escort’s poor history of updates
- Poor customer service
Long Range Performance
When I think “Redline,” I think of two things: 1) Long range performance and 2) stealth. Let’s start with range.
Years ago the original Redline was the reigning champion of long distance performance. It was the benchmark until the Uniden R3 showed up and took the crown. Then the Redline EX showed up, but its performance lagged behind the original. Today the top performers are the Uniden R7 and Valentine 1 Gen2. Let’s take a look at my Redline 360c test results.
It looks like the Redline 360c is a high end performer like the V1 Gen2 and the R7. Escort claimed the new Redline 360c’s performance is “noticeably” better than those two which I haven’t found to be the case, but it does run head to head with the other two top tier detectors and is also able to outperform the Max 360c.
One weird thing that I and others have noticed is that the detector does have a propensity to be overdriven. When passing by a strong radar source (driving past an officer shooting you with radar), the detector may jump from showing just 1 signal to 3 signals. While this can also occasionally happen with other detectors too, it happens much more regularly with the Redline 360c. I hope Escort fixes this in a future firmware update.
Escort claims that the new Redline 360c achieves 2x the range of the Redline EX, but that hasn’t been my experience when testing with fw 1.2. They say it is 6 dB more sensitive which can theoretically lead to 2x the range in ideal conditions, but that doesn’t always happen in practice. Results will vary in the real world, but either way the new Redline 360c is a step up in sensitivity compared to its predecessors.
Range alone isn’t the only thing that matters. I do wish that it could handily outrange other detectors that cost hundreds of dollars less. If you’re wanting the longest range possible for the least amount of money, other detectors will be a better fit. However, if you’re looking for a long range detector that’s also very well-rounded and offers top notch false alert filtering, that’s where this detector shines.
False Alert Filtering
I think the Redline 360c has to be the quietest radar detector on the market. It does a fantastic job of filtering out false alerts and this is the primary reason I prefer it over the R7. Here’s a few of the ways it filters out false alerts.
BSM Filtering
The RL 360c does a great job of filtering out false alerts from nearby vehicles with radar-based collision avoidance systems (CAS) and blind spot monitoring (BSM) systems, especially after the latest update. It doesn’t filter out every single one, but it filters out the vast majority and many people, myself included, have been impressed with how quiet it is overall.
There is now a new K Notch filter that helps address many Honda/Acura falses. It filters out any weak K band signals between 24.190-24.210. Strong signals in this frequency range (like an approaching police officer) will still be alerted to which I like as a safety measure. It also does mean that Honda BSM’s in this range will alert at full tilt which I really don’t like, but for the most part it does a great job at filtering out BSM falses in the first place.
On Escort’s website they specifically state that when the Redline 360c goes off, its alerts are “Always True. Never False.” Unfortunately that’s not true. The Redline 360c falses against a variety of radar and laser sources, including BSM’s. Escort has been dishonest with their marketing and advertising for years and while this is a quiet detector that does a great job, it is not perfect. I wish Escort would stop setting unrealistic expectations and then underdelivering.
Automatic Lockouts
One thing I do like about Escort products is they offer automatic GPS lockouts. As you drive around, the RL 360c will learn the locations of stationary false alerts from fixed sources like drugstore door openers and speed signs. After seeing those signals several times, it will lock them out so you don’t get alerted again every time you drive by. It’s a great feature. There’s always some inherent risk to lockouts, but they are a great feature when driving in urban areas.
Detectors like the Uniden R7 and Radenso Pro M require you to do this learning process manually. The Valentine 1 doesn’t offer it at all, but there are third party apps that can add autolockouts through your phone. The Redline 360c can do it all on its own so it makes for a better plug-and-play experience.
Low Speed Muting
The integrated GPS also gives you low speed muting to keep the detector quiet in parts of town you haven’t been in before yet. This is a pretty common feature. One unique thing for the RL 360c is when connected to the cloud via Escort Live, it can mute your detector when you’re driving below the speed limit. Otherwise it mutes below a pre-set speed which is how most other detectors behave. The only other detector that can do this is the V1 with the third party JBV1 app.
Auto Mode
Escort’s Auto Mode is also helpful for filtering out certain false alerts. It raises and lowers your detector’s sensitivity based on speed so you get a quieter detector around town as well and a longer range detector on the highway. Auto mode is especially helpful for filtering out shopping center door openers while driving in parking lots.
Stealth to Radar Detector Detectors
One other big selling point of the Redline series of detectors, and one big advantage of the Redline 360c over the Max 360c, is its stealth technology. If you drive in an area where radar detectors are prohibited, you will appreciate that the detector is undetectable by radar detector detectors.
Here’s a quick test with the Redline 360c against the Spectre III RDD.
Now the detector itself is physically large and the mount is pretty bulky as well so it’s possible for an officer to visually spot the detector on your windshield. However, as you drive by, he won’t be able to pick up your RL 360c with his Spectre.
MultaRadar Support
The Redline 360c offers the ability to detect the low powered MultaRadar guns used for photo radar applications around North America. The RL 360c can detect both the MRCD and MRCT, but it doesn’t support Strelka detection (used in Russia) or Gatso detection (used in Canada) like the previous Redline EX does.
I don’t have any MultaRadar here in the Seattle area and I haven’t seen any testing done yet of its MultaRadar detection capabilities, but turning the feature on, I do find quite a few MultaRadar false alerts.

Redline 360c alerting to MultaRadar
When the RL 360c alerts to MultaRadar, it says “M” on screen and all the arrows flash. It doesn’t specify if it’s alerting to MRCD or MRCT. There is also no directional indication for MultaRadar alerts (like with the Uniden R7 or Radenso RC M).
I’m very curious how well the detector can pick up legitimate MultaRadar sources so I’ve mailed my detector off to some fellow testers in Canada and will update this review with more info once it’s available. 🙂
Escort Live
Another big selling point for Escort products is their cloud functionality with Escort Live. The Redline 360c can connect to the cloud over Bluetooth or WiFi and share alerts in realtime with other drivers. Escort offers many detectors now with this capability and they all work together to give you an extra layer of protection. It’s similar to Waze, but the detector can report alerts for you automatically so you don’t have to mess with your phone while driving.

Redline 360c alerting to a recently detected Ka alert ahead
I find Escort Live works better with the detector connected via the WiFi hotspot in my car than through my iPhone over Bluetooth. The detector doesn’t always automatically reconnect through my phone every time I get back in the car, but it does consistently reconnect via WiFi.
The Redline 360c is a “connected” detector, hence the “c” in the name like the Max 360c and iXc. This means it allows you to connect to the cloud over WiFi instead of just Bluetooth.
Now besides the cloud alerts, the detector can use its WiFi connection to notify you of updates available to the detector’s built-in redlight / speed camera database or for the detector’s firmware. When updates are available, the detector can update itself while you drive (it takes a few minutes) so you don’t have to plug it into your computer periodically to update. Again, another convenient feature.

Redline 360c prompting to update firmware over WiFi
Laser Jammer Integration
If you’re looking for protection against both radar and laser threats, the Redline 360c can also integrate with Escort’s wired ZR5 laser jammers and wireless ZW5 laser jammers (which I run in my wife’s car). This way you can get an integrated package for both radar and laser protection.
While these are not my favorite laser jammers from a performance and feature perspective (read about the best laser jammers here), Escort has finally added the much-needed AutoJTK feature to allow the jammers to automatically disarm after several sections, giving you enough time to adjust your speed without raising suspicion.
The Redline 360c is exactly the type of detector that I’d personally want to run. It’s a feature-packed high end detector with all the bells and whistles. It offers long range performance, great false alert filtering, arrows, integrated GPS, autolockouts, MRCD/CT support, automatic updates, the speed limit right on screen, realtime alert sharing with other drivers, RDD immunity, and a solid and sturdy feel.
Escort marketing claims of “artificial intelligence” or having “2x the range of the Redline EX” or claiming its alerts are “always true, never false” are simply not true, but the detector itself is nevertheless a strong performer across the board.
At launch it was riddled with unacceptable problems and that has definitely turned a lot of people off to this detector altogether, but I think now in its current form it’s easily one of the best detectors on the market. It isn’t perfect and still needs some work, but it is the only detector on the market offers long range detection, excellent blind spot filtering, and integrated GPS with autolockouts right out of the box. Plus it has arrows, cloud alerts, stealth, easy and automatic updates, etc.
There’s definitely other (and cheaper) that can do many of the things the Redline 360c can, but there is no other detector that offers all these capabilities. Personally I love the fact that I can stick this on my windshield and it does just about everything I need. The Redline 360c is the closest thing we currently have to the ultimate radar detector.
You can purchase a Redline 360c here.
This website contains affiliate links and I sometimes make commissions on purchases. All opinions are my own. I don’t do paid or sponsored reviews. Click here to read my affiliate disclosure. |

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Dear Vortex,
I’m a new customer and have heard great things about you. Can you tell me if your keeping you redline 360c before 30 days are up? Can you tell me your settings that where run in the test between the best radars? What settings would you run the redline 360c on?
Hey how’s it going Thomas? I’m planning on keeping mine because I want to test out the upcoming update. If it wasn’t for that though, I’d probably return it.
The settings that I used are posted in the test results if you’d like to take a look.
As for recommended settings, it’s going to be similar to other Escort detectors like the Max 360c, though it looks like KaSW is better than running segmented for some reason. I’ll work on a settings tutorial later.
So upon my last check valentine was not accepting upgrade changes but were accepting new orders which is confusing since they claim that they will be replacing the old v1 unit with the new gen2 unit. Any thoughts on this issue?
This is a Redline article. Could we keep the V1 discussion in V1 areas please?
I know you recently go the update, which fixed some if not all of the concerning fail points. With the new firmware, do you think that this is really worth $300-$400 more than the R7 or V1G2? Bells and whistles are nice, but the actual performance is not convincing. Im sure the Theia will command a high price too, and some of us ‘need the toy despite the price”… but Im not seeing the bang for buck here. What do you think?
Lots of people are asking if it’s worth it, but I don’t know how to answer that. Isn’t it up to each person to decide if the extra features are worth it for their budget?
How is the RedLine 360 at detecting QT?
Excellent review. Between this and the settings review, it has helped me a lot. My previous detector, the Redline EX picks up Strelka in the Washington DC area. I noticed you mentioned it’s used in Russia.
haha yeah it’s used in Russia, not the US. I’ve tried enabling it before and got a TON of false alerts so I keep it off now, heh. 🙂
How is the “mute” button in real use? That’s my biggest complaint with the R7 is the location of the mute button. They got it perfect on the R3, but failed on the R7.
Yeah I agree. I’d say it’s between the R3 and R7. I wish it was right on the front like the R3, but it’s not as awkward as the R7 with the side mute button. It’s easy enough to reach and press while driving.
Wish the escort models had the altitude option that’s really cool !!
Thanks for the review, especially after the 1st firmware update. Purchased mine to upgrade from Max 360c to get the better range, also integrated with ZW5’s. Ordered on back order, but it shipped about 1 week later. Got it Thursday. 1st save out of the box was while on a country back road. Limit goes from 50 to 30. Unusual for LEO to be there as it’s out of the way, but likely resulting from nearby neighborhood complaints of speeders. Full out warning from RL360c about 0.5 mile out. Found your reported problem as I approached a small bridge over a bayou when the RL360c audio silenced momentarily before reactivating with <100 feet of LEO, in full view of him. So I’ll confirm that the issue is not isolated to you. Otherwise, the unit continually alarmed until out of his range. In one day usage, interesting that it confirmed a lot of what you reported. But one thing you didn’t report (yet) about the RL360c, Escort failed to fix the auto brightness mode. While in “auto”, it lit at minimum regardless of mid-day Texas brightness.
Thanks for the report! Yeah the auto brightness thing has long been an issue with Escort detectors. It’s not just the RL360c. I often run it in max during the day just to get it to look good on camera or just to my eye.
I’ve been waiting months now to upgrade my old V1 but they still aren’t taking upgrade orders (not for units as old as mine anyway). I’m debating giving up and going with the Redline 360C, but am really turned off by the subscription cost. Is the subscription for the defender database something you would think is necessary for someone who doesn’t want to have his phone running waze/jvb1 all the time?
The subscription isn’t really necessary. If you’re connected to Escort Live (which is free and they keep automatically extending people’s subscriptions every year for free so they don’t lose customers), you’ll always get the latest database from the cloud anyway. Additionally, if you add the 3 year defender database to your cart, use the coupon “RedSetGo” at checkout and you’ll get it for free.
Thanks for that .Now I just have to decide if I really want to spend that much. The $80 trade in credit Escort will give me is almost was V1 will give me, but $250 isn’t exactly couch change. Will have to go back and watch your recent video on youtube again.
21 year V1 customer. Absolutely love the V1. Trying to decide between the V1-G2 and Redline 360C.
For me, range, minimal annoying false alarms, and broad coverage of all threats are my top priority. (I can tell you affirmatively that my V1 has saved me from 2 laser tickets in the past 8 years). However, with all due respect to Mike, the V1 doesn’t detect all of the new and growing number of radar threats. This is concerns me, because government need for revenue is going to spike because of the COVID situation. So, I expect automated revenue generators (like radar) to become more common. Thus, I’m reluctantly leaning toward the Redline 360C.
Any recommendations?
I hear you. The V1 Gen2 should be a solid choice, especially if you want to stick with the V1. Your best bet is to make sure you pair it with a phone to get the additional GPS-based false alert filtering it needs. As far as future-proofing, yeah Mike is kind of dismissing low powered photo radar as a “science experiment” which isn’t too reassuring, especially when the competition all offers it. Perhaps it’s possible to one day get a software update to add that, but it doesn’t seem to be a priority or a focus for him. If you’re concerned about the automated revenue generators (photo radar, speed cameras, etc.), the Redline 360c is a better pick.
I’m running the new redline 360c and want laser jamming. Should I go with the Antilaser or the ZW5?
If you can afford it, get the ALP. Better jammer, more heads available for better coverage, better updates, etc. The benefit of the ZW5 is simply that it’s cheaper and integrates with your RL360c directly. For a smaller vehicle with front only coverage and when you don’t need a lot of DragonEye protection, the ZW5 can do the job.
Thanks for your reply Voretx! I have to tell you, I’ve just gotten back into running detectors after about a 30 year hiatus so I came across your YouTube channel and bought my first unit (a Uniden R3) a few years back and it worked awesome. After finding out my son has a bit of a lead foot like his father, my wife told me that he needed one so I gave him mine as a way for me to upgrade to the RL360c (based on your recommendation again) and I couldn’t be happier! Thanks again!
Has anyone heard on when Escort Redline 360c’s will be in stock again and shipped out? It feels they’ve been on backorder for quite a while now. I’ve ordered one but no eta. Can’t wait to have it in my hands.
I’m on backorder, also. They delivered my ZW5, but without the RL60c, useless. I. Going to order a V1G2 on Monday. At least Valentine tells you an expected ship date. Escort just keeps you in dark. If the V1G2 arrives first, im gonna cancel my order for my 360c and send the ZW5 back and go with a V1G2 and an ALP.
I ordered a RL360c and ZW5 directly from Escort. Received the ZW5, which of course, is totally useless without the RL360c. So I called Escort customer support to find out where my RL360 was in the backlog and what will happen if my RL360c arrives after the 30 day return window for the ZW5 closes.
First, it took 8 calls to just get into the Escort customer service que. 7 times, the “que was full” and the automated system hung up on me.
On the 8th time, I was lucky enough to get into the cue, with 15 people a head of me. After 2 hours and 40 minutes of being on hold, a very pleasant Escort customer service representative finally answered. 2 hours and 40 minutes! However, she had no useful information about:
1) Where was my RL360c order in the backlog que;
2) When they might receive the next batch of RL360s; or
3) When I might relieve my RL360c.
Nothing. Not even speculative, subject to change, guidance. I asked whether this would be a week, a month, or a year? Her reply was essentially that she has no information. I pointed out the Valentine has a ship date on its website. (Currently 9/4/20 or earlier). She very politely told me that she has no such information. Apparently, such customer service information is on a need to know basis at Escort. Arggg.
Just in case anyone at Escort is listening…….. I’m a customer and I need to know.
As a former product manager for Hewlett Packard, I can tell you that this is an excellent way to both alienate your existing customer base and inhibit new customers. Conversely, just being honest with customers, even in the face of adversity, earns you customer trust and loyalty. Too bad Escort does not understand this.
To be fair to Escort, she did say that she put a note in my ZW5 file that the return date for my ZW5 “asking” that the return window for my ZW5 be extended, because of the RL360 ship situation. That was all she said she could do. (Candidly, I believe her).
I was originally an Escort and Passport product owner. I switched to Valentine about 20 years ago because of the upgrade platform of the V1. This 20 year Valentine customer just decided to switch back to Escort because of the upgrade platform of RL360c. However, I’m now starting to rethink my decision. So, I just placed an order for a V1G2. Any one want to bet on which detector arrives first?
One would think that with the “problematic” launch of the RL360c, Escort would want to give customers a reason to be patient and to stay with their product offering. Nope.
Hi Vortex. I’m a little confused. In one of your video reviews (at the red barn site), you compared 6 detectors and were quite disappointed by the redline 360c. But on the website and in another one of your reviews, you rated the redline 360c as the top performer. Can you please clarify?
Thank you
I assume you mean the very first time I tested it? Yes it had a lot of problems at launch, but Escort has since addressed most (but not all) of those issues. It’s much better now than it was initially.
Hi, you mentioned in an earlier response about the RL 360c, “it looks like KaSW is better than running segmented for some reason” since it has been updated to 1,4, have you found that still to be the case? Thanks.
I haven’t retested that in terms of long range performance, but I have found that band segmentation definitely does help improve reactivity with 1.4 and it makes the detector better at catching brief quick trigger shots.
I live in MD. I find the multi radar is does nothing but false alert. Since Vortex Radar “has the ear” of Escort’s developers, I hope you can get them to work on this.
I also own the Redline EX in another car and was so disappointed that I didn’t think I would ever purchase anything from them again. I bought this 360c detector based on Vortex Radars review. Otherwise I never would have considered giving them another chance. I am happy they they finally stepped up their game (at a super hefty price though). Hopefully they keep improving things.
On a ridiculous side note, they never released an owners manual for the Redline EX. Every time I would call to complain they would refer me to that weak quick reference guide. The Redline 360c, which is brand new has the quick reference guide and an owners manual available. I can’t remember the last time I had a firmware update for my $599 Redline EX. Perhaps they realized early on that what they produced was an absolute dog and bailed on it early. I am still pissed about that. Thankfully, I am pleased with the 360c so far. I can’t believe I gave them anymore of my money after all of the 8500s and 9500s I have bought in the past.
Keep up the great work and keep holding their feet to the fire.
Waze or EL? Which one should I use? I run the RL360c. Thank you.
Why not both?
I have one iPhone only. Run both simultaneously and flip back and forth between them? Have them both running in the background and listen for audible alerts from both? Is that how’d you do that or would I literally need two phones in the car or a tablet and my phone? FYI -I have an older car that doesn’t have blue tooth and I also have no “screens” to display anything.
I generally like to have Escort Live connected in the background for all the cloud / speed limit info and then run Waze in the foreground for police spotted alerts, navigation, etc. You don’t need two phones. It’s the same as running multiple apps like Spotify and Google Maps.
Great thank you! Just tried it but then it leads to another question. It seems as if I don’t always get the stated MPH if I have it running in the background – is that a known issue?
I have a quick question, which is better, the Escourt Redline 360c or the Escourt Max 360c, they look like they both have the exact same features, but one is $749.99 & the other is $649.99. So I guess the main question I’m asking is the Redline 360c worth the extra $100.00.
Thank you for any & all advise you can give me.
The Redline 360c is the better option for sure. It gives you longer range, better false alert filtering, MRCT detection, and RDD immunity. The Max 360c is still fine, but the Redline 360c is definitely the better choice now.
Thank you for your input, it’s very much appreciated.
For the RL 360c, are the ZR5 and ZW5 my only / best options or can I still use a better, non Escort brand like the Anti Laser Priority w/o having issues. I’d hate to spend the money on a mid tier Laser jammer / shifter simply because it integrates better with the RL 360c.
You can run any laser jammer you want, including the ALP. It’ll be standalone so it’ll have a separate controller/speaker, but otherwise it runs alongside any RD just fine.
My 360 redline will not connect to my WiFi Always a failure but it connects to my friends iPhone and my 360. I have the same set up
Make sure your WiFi hotspot is 2.4 GHz, not 5 GHz. It only supports 2.4.
escort redline 360c is out of order. Any idea when it will be in stock ?
The redline 360c is back in stock. I ordered mine on October 26th and received a shipping notification today. FedEx will deliver it to me on Monday. I cannot wait to give it a try.
The redline 360c is back in stock. I ordered mine on October 26th and received a shipping notification today. FedEx will deliver it to me on Monday. I cannot wait to give it a try.
Ordered my RL360 2 months ago! October 20
Never arrived!!!
No any answers fromEscort !!!
Definitely NOT recommend!!!!
does it work for ile de la reunion // y mail [email protected]
I presently have an Escort MAX 360c and a Uniden R7. Do you think the RL360c is a worthwhile upgrade or do you think the R7 upgrade will be enough of an improvement to preclude the purchase of another detector? Thanks.
As always, it depends on what you want. The RL360c will give you long range like the R7, but better BSM filtering, autolockouts, and the Escort Live integration like the Max 360c. It’s kind of a hybrid of the two and if that’s what you’re wanting, the RL360c could fit the bill.
Great info. Any discount codes or suggestions to find the best deal?
Oh man I wish! It’s still pretty much on backorder everywhere and comes down to placing an order and getting one whenever the next batch arrives.
Just wondering what happened to my 2 comments I left 2 weeks ago. Especially when there was no return reply.
Sorry to hear you’ve been having issues. If you need customer service, your best bet is to post on the forums or contact the manufacturer. Unfortunately I don’t have time to do what I do and also be tech support for everyone. (I tried that for years and it didn’t work well.) I still want you to get the help you need though so one of those places should be able to assist you further.
How does the new update to the RL360c affect radar range? Is it better? Is it now more range than the R7 with its new update?
Yeah as of firmware 1.6, it looks like performance has gone up since. It now outperforms the V1 Gen2. I’m not sure about the R7 since I haven’t seen a recent test with those two specifically.
Hi. Thanks for all your reviews, you’re website is awesome. Do you know where (what country) Escort radar detectors are made?
Looking through some detectors, looks like it’s a mix of the USA, Canada, and Philippines.
The international version of the Redline 360c just appeared on sale. Do you plan to test that unit also ?
Thank you.
Probably not. Because I don’t have the international radar guns in use here, I don’t have a good way of testing it. Fortunately there’s other people who are doing that testing.
Hi Vortex!
I see some good local deals on used Redline 360c detectors. Is there any hardware revisions or defects I should be aware of before buying used?
Hi Vortex,
Hope that you can see my message.
If possible please check the folloing link for a video. I found some problem with Max360c1.13 and Redline 360c 1.8
Do you know how to solve?
Redline360c 1.8 and Max360c 1.13 firmware need to make some improvement.
Please check this link for the video.
Debating whether to throw down the money or wait for something better. Any updates of what’s anticipated to come to market that will be a true rival to the redline360c?
Maybe Theia at some point, but after continued delays, I think it makes sense to pick up the RL360c if you need something now.
FWIW, I had to send my RL360c back to Cedar Electronics for a second recurrence of the CHECK FR alarm. The initial realignment of the antenna did not fix the problem. I observed the alarms for a time and it really appears to be a heat related issue which might be hard to diagnose as it could be an individual component. Anyway they have had it for a much longer period this time and no word yet as to a repair is complete.
returned from Cedar Electronics after second attempt at repair, so far so good, no CHECK FR as of yet. Thanks to the folks at Cedar for taking the time to repair an intermittent issue. Those are the hardest to diagnose and repair.
I have an older v1 gen1 and considering a switch to the redline 360c. Do you think it would be worth the swap over given the features and new updates/fixes? Thanks!
Does this device do better with false laser alerts from most recent iPhone face detection than the original max 360?
Dear Vortex,
Really appreciate your dedication and honesty on your site. That’s for all that.
With that being said..
I’m about to get a large Brand new Yukon. I have all your recommendations down as far as the jammers. (I am going with the Antilaser Priority)
My main question is, since there isn’t a clear integrated option with a Radar Dedicated, well, at least the with the redline360c, what would be your best advice on how to make those two working together as smoothly as possible.
Thanks again.
Escort sells their ZR5 and ZW5 that integrates with the RL360c, but I wouldn’t recommend them. Instead get the ALP. It does not integrate with the RL360c in any way, but the two run side-by-side together just fine.
Hey Vortex can you help with a technical issue. My RL360c detector stopped connecting to my phone through the Bluetooth. When I search for devices it shows it, the wheel spins it shows a Bluetooth symbol on the detector for 1 sec then it goes away. I also have to hook my detector to my computer to do updates it will not hook to wifi.
Sorry to hear that. I focus on reviews, not tech support, but I want you to get the help you need. Your best bet is to ask on the Escort section of RDF or reach out to Escort on their support forum.
Hello and as everyone knows here- what an amazing site / information. THANK YOU! Here is my question…. Volume is very important to me due to going fast in my 19977 International Scout which is very loud. My Uniden R7 works very well. I need to know if the Escort Redline 360 or the Uniden R7 is as loud. THANK YOU!
With the release of the Uniden R8, is Escort planning any firmware updates for the Redline 360C to combat the new kid on the block I know that it is a matter of preference which is better between the R7 and Redline 360C. Seems like the R8 will now be the top dog to beat unless Escort has something on the horizon to keep the title of best overall radar detector.
I have had a V1 Gen1 for 15 years. I want the ultimate upgrade and money is not a deterrent, I believe I want to remain portable though. I have been waiting for over a year for the Radenso Theia but am also considering the Escort Redline 360C. Valentine is not doing upgrades. Radenso has no idea when they will have Theia. Should I buy wait for the Theia???
Hi Vortex,
i’m making a decision between Redline360c and R8. if you can only pick one between this two for using long time, which one you’ll take?
Don’t know if you can see this post, i really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done.
Thank you
With the new Uniden apps, I prefer the R8 + apps over the Redline nowadays.
Hi, I am thinking of buying the Redline 360c but have a question. I have a Jaguar with a heated windshield (done with thin wires embedded in the glass). I believe it also has UV protection in the windshield. I have read (Jaguar forum) that radar detectors should be aimed through the windshield next to the mirror that has black dots, where they say the UV protection is not present. Does this make sense to you? Will it work with the embedded wires in the glass? Thank for any help and your great videos.
There are many cars with affected windshields that do indeed have a special cutout area in the windshield. Usually it’s for toll passes, but it can also be used for radar detectors, GPS receivers, phones, or anything else that uses radio waves. Just check out your manual for details on if you have an area like this in your vehicle. If not, you’ll need a custom installed radar detector that goes in your grill.
Thanks, that’s what I suspected. After checking measurements it looks like the Redline 360c is physically too big to be mounted behind that small cutout. I’m going the check the Valentine V1 Gen2 to see if that’ll fit. I want a non-detectible detector since I drive through VA often. Thanks for the input.