I don’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen people this excited about a new radar detector… The most common question you guys ask me is, “What’s the best radar detector?” and because there’s so many different radar detectors available, all with their own unique advantages, my answer usually starts with “Well it depends…” However, with the introduction of the Uniden R1 and Uniden R3, we now have a radar detector that has virtually obliterated the competition and is easily one of if not THE best radar detector on the market. We definitely need to do a Uniden R1 review and a Uniden R3 review because these detectors have definitely simplified the selection process. I have a closet full of radar detectors, and yet this is what you’ll find sitting on my windshield because it’s stellar across the board. This is what I rely on to keep me protected and it continues to get updated and improved. What makes it so special? Let’s take a look…
(Updated October 2017)
Uniden R1 & R3 Overview
The new R1 and R3 are Uniden’s first digital detectors. They offer longer range, faster reactivity, and more advanced filtering than Uniden’s previous generation detectors, the DFR6 and DFR7. In terms of range, they are now the longest range radar detectors available at any price. In terms of blind spot filtering, they do a very good job, even better than the $2500 Stinger VIP out on my grill. (It beats the Stinger on long range detection too…)

Uniden R1 and R3
The R1 is a Redline-killer. It is capable of giving you even longer range than the Redline.. the detector that used to be the King of long distance performance, the benchmark that all other detectors were compared against, it offers much better BSM filtering so it’s usable on K band, and it’s also stealth to radar detector detectors just like the Redline… all at almost half the price of the Redline. ($299 vs. $549) Holy cow… For highway and rural drivers, the R1 is the detector to get. You can get the R1 here.
The R3 is virtually the same detector with the same performance and BSM filtering, but it builds upon the R1 by adding GPS to give you a more well-rounded detector around town. The GPS chip adds low speed muting, GPS lockouts, and red light camera alerts so for people who drive in urban areas, the R3 at $399 is the one to get. You can get the R3 here.
For more details regarding the differences between the R1 and the R3, read this comparison article.
These are the best performing, longest range radar detectors on the market available at any price. Test after test after test after test has been done by multiple testers on different courses, with different copies of detectors, against different radar detectors, etc. and what we’re consistently seeing is that at minimum the detector is able to tie long range detectors like the Redline (when the terrain prevents even longer detection distances) but usually you’ll see it outperforming other top end radar detectors like the Redline, Max360, and so on. Here’s just one test, courtesy of the Texas Countermeasure Testing Group:

Uniden R3 vs. Redline, Max360, and DFR6 on 33.8 (original source here)
If you’d like to see more test results, here’s a half hour long video going over lots and lots of testing so you can get more information, but this is the gist of it. 🙂
In short, for those of you who want the maximum warning distance possible, whether you’re driving in long flat terrain with little traffic and your only advanced warning might be a vehicle several miles ahead of you getting shot with instant on, or if you’re driving in more difficult terrain with hills, curves, mountains, and trees where the extra sensitivity can literally mean the difference between getting advanced warning or not, the R1/R3 series detectors are your absolute best choice, bar none.
False Alert Filtering
There’s many different sources of false alerts. Let’s run through how well the detectors can filter them out.
BSM filtering: Blind spot monitoring systems (BSM’s) and other radar-based collision avoidance systems (CAS) like radar cruise control and automatic braking coming out of other nearby cars can cause problems for radar detectors. No radar detector can filter all of them out. The new Unidens, however, do a good job, especially with the latest firmware updates. Initially the detector was doing a decent job filtering but due to its extreme sensitivity, it was picking up more signals in general and leading to more false alerts. However, Uniden looks to have managed to tame this so it’s no longer the issue it once was. Even in full sensitivity, false alerts are now reasonable which is surprising to me.
GPS lockouts: The R3 also adds a GPS chip to give you more filtering in urban areas. I have an entire article devoted to the benefits of GPS in a radar detector, but one of the main benefits is that you can teach it where false alerts are located around town from stationary sources such as automatic door openers or speed signs and it will automatically mute them for you in the future. You have to initially teach it what’s a false alert, unlike some detectors, like the Max360 or the V1 when paired with a phone app, which can figure that out automatically after you pass the same signal repeatedly. I prefer autolockouts, but the R3 can’t do it due to patent limitations. So you teach the detector manually (tutorial explaining when and how to use this feature here) when you pass false alerts around town or even on the highway and it will mute them for you next time you pass by. Very cool.
Low speed muting: The GPS chip also allows for low speed muting, very handy for when you’re sitting at a stop light or driving in traffic and you don’t want to be bothered by your detector, particularly in newer areas where GPS lockouts haven’t yet kicked in or against BSM’s. Many people use this feature even more than lockouts. Personally I wouldn’t want a detector without these two features anymore. They’re that useful. It’s way better than constantly reaching up and hitting the mute button every time your detector goes off!
Firmware Updates
Firmware updates are super critical with any radar detector, laser jammer, or countermeasure in general. They not only bring new features based on customer requests, but they fix bugs too, giving us even better detectors over time. It’s typical for radar detectors to have some issues initially that early adopters discover. Because of this, seeing how a company responds in terms of listening to customer feedback and issuing firmware updates is important too. Uniden so far is doing a very good job. They’re actively listening to what we have to say, they’re fixing important bugs, and they’re adding new features based on the most common requests and complaints that people are bringing up.
I’ve had pretty close contact with Uniden throughout this process in terms of beta testing the detector before its release as well as testing beta firmware updates and I’ve been very impressed by Uniden’s communication, their speed at tackling and resolving issues, and adding important features to make their detectors even stronger competitors and better options. I do this same thing with many other companies too and of course some companies are better than others in this regard. I’d add Uniden to the list of companies that do a good job with firmware updates.
Firmware updates are downloaded to your computer from Uniden’s website. You’ll need a Windows computer or a Mac running Windows (I wish they had a Mac version of the update software) as well as a MiniUSB cable (not included) to plug your detector into your computer.
Here’s a video showing you the update process for both the R3 and the R1.
Set Up & Programming
The detectors are pretty good right out of the box and they’re pretty straightforward to customize as well. There’s a lot of helpful options and things you can configure. There’s also nice little touches like the ability to go forward or backwards through the menu (nice if you skip the option you wanted and so you don’t need to run through the whole list like with some other detectors), the ability to quickly exit the menu, and change some key features quickly like switching between City/Highway modes without having to go into the menu.
People usually wonder about what the different menu options do and how to program their detectors so check out this guide on how to program your R1 or R3.
If you’d like to see a video on the different options, check out this video running through the R3 and the R1. As new firmware updates are released, features and settings may change, so you can always reference my Uniden R1 and R3 setup guide for the most up to date information.
RDD Immunity
One of the tricks that the Redline offered was a stealthy design that made it undetectable by radar detector detectors. Most people in the US don’t need this feature, but it is popular for people who drive in VA or D.C. (radar detectors are legal in the other 49 states), or for truckers where it’s illegal in all 50 states. (Definitely check local laws and penalties, especially if you’re a commercial trucker and don’t want to put your CDL at risk.)
Radar detectors are also illegal through most of Canada, with the exception of BC, AB, and SK and the penalties can be pretty stiff so having a detector that’s undetectable can be a great benefit.
I’ve done some testing with the Spectre Elite, the newest and most effective radar detector detector. I found that the R3 is completely undetectable to a nearby Spectre when driving by. The only time it’s detectable is if an officer literally gets out of his car and holds the Spectre a few feet away from your detector and your detector is turned on. Otherwise, when out on the road, the R3 is undetectable.
Note: This video was done with a beta R3. I’ve since tested further with a production R1 and R3 and found the same results. They’re all stealthy in your car and if the Spectre is handhold, the give similar alert distances, within about 1 foot of one another. The Unidens are safe detectors to run in areas where the Spectre is in use.
Compared to the Competition?
Let’s quickly compare the R1 and R3 to the other top options on the market. I go into more detail in my complete Radar Detector Buyer’s Guide. Here we’re going to quickly run through how it compares.
Escort Redline: The Redline has since been discontinued, but the Uniden offers longer range, significantly better BSM filtering, GPS, is also RDD immune, and it’s a fraction of the price. The R1/R3 is the clear winner. The Redline is still a great detector, but given that there really aren’t any real advantages that it offers and given that it has now been discontinued too, the Uniden is the one to get.
Escort Redline EX: The Redline EX is the original Redline’s successor and is now the most direct competitor to the R3. It has much better BSM filtering than the original Redline, but unfortunately its performance is actually worse than the original and it costs $200 more than the R3 so most enthusiasts are option for the R3 instead. However, the Redline EX offers many other useful features including fully automatic GPS lockouts, support for international radar guns like the MRCD, K/Ka band segmentation, and Bluetooth integration so for those who want something more plug and play and are willing to sacrifice a little performance and pay a bit more for the added convenience, the Redline EX could be another detector to consider.
Escort Max360: Not exactly an apples to apples comparison since the Max360 adds arrows, but the Max360 is Escort’s top of the line detector so let’s take a look. The R3 offers longer range and better BSM filtering, but Escort has promised a firmware update significantly improving the BSM filtering of the Max360 (after achieving it for the remote Max Ci 360). The Max360 adds arrows which are really helpful, automatic GPS lockouts instead of manual which is much more desirable when starting with radar detectors, Bluetooth support for realtime cloud-based alerts shared with other Escort drivers (though you can do something similar with Waze), and the 360 has been out longer so it’s already had a chance to go through firmware updates and refinement to address the major issues. It currently lags behind in terms of all out range (though it’s still sufficient in most real world situations), BSM filtering, and price, but it makes up for this by adding arrows, being more plug-and-play, offering built-in Bluetooth, and a very promising BSM filtering update is expected. It’s up to you to decide if the added convenience is worth the higher price tag. (More R3 vs. Max360 discussion here.)
Escort iX: The iX is Escort’s current arrow-less GPS detector so it is a more direct comparison with the R3. The Max and Max2 have been discontinued so the iX is now Escort’s direct competitor to the R3. The R3 offers better performance and BSM filtering than the iX. The iX is based off of simpler technology so it won’t be getting the updated BSM filtering like the Max series detectors. It offers automatic lockouts and Bluetooth integration, but it also costs $100 more so unless you badly want the automatic lockouts, I’d recommend the R3 instead for better performance and better filtering for less money.
Uniden DFR7: The DFR7 slots down one notch below the R3. It hasn’t been replaced but rather is a more inexpensive offering from Uniden. It’s a popular detector because it’s such a great bang for the buck at just $269. The DFR7 is particularly strong on 34.7, the most popular radar frequency in use around the US, but it is weaker on 33.8, 35.5, and K band. The R3 is outstanding on every frequency so there is no compromise in performance. The R3 also adds an updated screen, new features such as the ability to individually delete redlight camera alerts, an improved multiple alert display, more advanced filtering, and so on. I go into the differences in more detail here, but basically the DFR7 is the more affordable pick while the R3 is the top performing pick and personally I feel that its improvements are well worth the money.
Where to Purchase the Uniden R3 & R1
To purchase a Uniden R3, click here.
To purchase a Uniden R1, click here.
Note: Both detectors are often on backorder due to crazy demand. If you want the detector and it’s in stock, I recommend ordering. Use the links above that I’ve provided. There are a few others sites plus Amazon that sell the R1 and R3, but this is one of the few times I’d recommend skipping Amazon and ordering from BRD. If it’s out of stock, get on the waiting list so that you can get one as soon as it arrives in the next batch.
Once your detector arrives, update your detector to the latest version.
Then set up and configure your R1 or R3.
Finally, go out and enjoy your brand new high performance radar detector! 😀
This website contains affiliate links and I sometimes make commissions on purchases. All opinions are my own. I don’t do paid or sponsored reviews. Click here to read my affiliate disclosure. |

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I really liked your review of the Uniden R3 and I wanted to buy it. BUT, Uniden’s website doesn’t ship to Europe (since I am from Romania, Europe). I asked a question on their website, got a reply 3 weeks later with a list of their distribuitors from USA. Half of that list of vendors don’t have uniden listed on their website.
Can you please help on how can I purchase an Uniden R3 if I am not from USA?
Thank you for your response and keep doing the videos, they are very interesting.
Best regards,
hello vlad
as I understand at this point of time the uniden r3 is not supported Europe red light and speed camera database (there is a good chance it will in the future and probably will update via the USB port).
because this is an awesome detector a lot of people have pre order it and now even the us venders are out of stock.but there is a second shipment on the way to the venders in the us ( probably will arrive at mid to late July).
your opinions are either order and ship it to a friend in the us(if you have one) and ask him to forward the shipment to you.
or you can use the service of forwarding company which provides you with a virtual us address and that way you can place an order for everything!!!! from the us (not just radar detectors) and the shipment arrives to the wear house of the company and they will forward it to your Europe address (needless to say the service costs a small fee for the us address and the price for shipping to Europe.
I have been using this service for more than a decade already and I am from Europe just like you.
I hope that helps you.
best regards.
Hey Vlad, so I asked Uniden about it and they said that currently there’s no plans to release them in Europe. Mottie’s suggestion of using some sort of forwarding service would do the trick. However, you may want to consider a detector designed for Europe such as the Genevo One M. https://www.genevo.com/en/genevo-one-m/
Hi Vortex,I talked with you on youtube about the same problem with Uniden…you are right Uniden is not interested to create a firmware for Europe soon..so i think the radar detector Uniden will not work properly in Romania/Europe.I mailed them and i recived this messege:”Thank you for contacting Uniden, I’m sorry but Uniden only tests are products in the United States or Canada. We would not know if the unit would work in Europe and we would not have a firmware for the area.
I have attached the radars that our unit’s pick up”So this is not for European costumers.You replyed to Vlad that an alternative to Uniden is Genovo One M yes it is but the unit is verry expensive like 799 EURO=ARROUND 1000 USD.GENOVO has high prices on all of them units so for us is to mouch.Uniden has verry good prices..and verry good performances and that’s why we wanted to buy those units R1/R3.Now i am looking to find if Escort Passport X80 is compatible for Europe(it has a nice is ok?
Thank you,I am waiting for a response from you!!!
Hey Stefan, I honestly know very little about the important details you need to know know to make an informed decision. You’ll need to speak with someone who’s familiar with Europe. Sorry.
Thanks for the answer aniway!
Salut Vlad,si eu sunt interesat de un detector bun si caut de ceva timp dar nu gasesc imic compatibil pentru Romania de la americani.Tot cautand am gasit reviewurile astea de la Vortex si asa l-am contactat..chiar am contactat si firma mama care produce detectoarele Uniden insa am primit un raspuns negativ in legatura cu compatibilitatea lor in Romania.Vroiam sa stiu daca tu pana la urma a-i comandat detectorul si daca a-i intrat in posesia lui..si daca da cum se comporta?Astept un raspuns..sper sa vezi mesajul!!!!
Just wanted to say thank you for all the info you share. Was looking to upgrade my Escort 8500 x50 (BSM is driving me crazy.) Started looking at the new devices on market, and was initially drawn to the Escort Max 360. I stumbled on your review (I believe on Amazon.) Although the arrows are a nice feature … Some of the “challenges” you pchallenges left me disappointed. Then I’ve watched your videos on the r3. You have helped me select my next rd. I am placing an order today (using your links to ensure you are compensated … And if not, you should be!!)
One question … Do you know if Uniden caught the issue for the 2nd shipment (polarized sunglasses blocking the screen)?? I’ve read your posts on the issue you found, and that you contacted Uniden to advise of the issue. I know they they were addressing the issue, but unfortunately some units in the 1st shipment were still impacted.
Would hate to place the order, and then have to “wait and see” … Only to have to work out an exchange.
Thanks again, and keep up the great work!! Please keep us posted on updates on the r3.
Thank you! Yeah the Max360 was pretty buggy initially, but it’s actually been improved quite a bit since. I probably need to go in and update that Amazon review of it. Uniden is actually going through the process of fixing initial bugs now too. The people impacted in the first shipment, they could send their detectors in and have the issue corrected so they’re taken care of. The second batch, they’re adding verification of proper screen polarization to their QC process so it should be good from here on out. 🙂
Thanks for the reply.
In your head-to-head here of the r3 vs Max 360, you closed your assessment with the rd you run is the r3. I know you said the Max 360 initially wasn’t quite exactly inline with the premium escort was charging.
So … What rd is on your windshield 🙂 Still the r3? Although I’m a fan of the previous escort line, I am disappointed in their customer focus. Actually saw them verbally shut down a custom in their forums.
I too love the arrows of the Max 360 (great feature), but I have been using rd for so long … I would walk away from the 360/escort family for the performance of the r3 (the range is amazing.) And I’ve been seeing the 360 price fluctuating (now at about $530.) The only hurdle could still be the quality control issues (ex. paint on buttons coming off). I really shut down looking at the 360 after reading about the quality issues.
So I guess I am curious to see if the improvements you mentioned for the 360… Bumped the r3 from your windshield.
I have a 2017 Honda cr v that gives fits to my old Valentine with BSM false alerts from within my own car.
Do you feel that the Uniden R3 would solve this problem or would another detector be better suited
Based on your compelling review Vortex, I purchased a Uniden R1 first part of July, and used it on extended 3 day road trip through Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. The long highway sensitivity was great, but I was very disappointed in the number of K Band false alerts during the entire trip, both city and highway. It was to the point where I thought about turning the K band off entirely, but did not want to put me in jeopardy of getting a speeding ticket on some off highway road through a small town. Has anyone else reported the R1 having significant false alerts? My previous detector is an Escort Max, which I still use in a second vehicle. It is not the 360 version, and may not have the same radar detection reach ahead of a kill zone as the R1, but not nearly as many false alerts on the same route. You might note I don’t have the Max in smart learning mode or bother to mark false alerts (which is why I bought the R1 and not the R3). I did have the k band filter turned on, and tried City and City 2 instead of highway, with no difference. Maybe I just had the bad luck of driving in traffic with an unusual overabundance of cars with construction speed detectors, lane change, and blind spot detection devices, but I’m assuming that’s not the case. What I’m hoping is that I have totally missed something, or maybe this is an issue Uniden has already corrected with a new software update, as I used the unit right out of the box. I have just kept it back in the box since. Short of knowing I had the unit set up incorrectly, or knowing there is or will will be a softwae update to modify sensitivity of the k band filter, I’m inclined to put the unit up for sale on eBay. Thanks for any help you can offer.
K Filter On, TSF On (if traffic sensors in your area), K Narrow can help, and City mode can all help with the falsing on K band.
I am having similar falsing issues on K. It seems to be worse since the firmware update. I am in OK, and I travel to AR and north Texas. With no cars around and on a flat, open road in the middle of nowhere, it will false. It is almost unusable on the turnpike between OKC and Tulsa because it falses so often. I have K filter on and have it set to narrow. I have tried all modes with the same results. I do not have issues with Ka, and the range is amazing. Is there anything further that Uniden can do to address this? Or anything that users can do to help the problem? Also, can you post the link to your dbase of which bands are used in various states, and is it broken down by county? Thanks for all you do for this industry.
Sorry I posted this in Uniden R3 vs. Uniden DFR7. So this is a re-post……
Tim R
August 14, 2017 at 4:38 am (UTC -8)
I recently purchased the Uniden R3. The problem I am having is that there are many locations where there is no Red Light Camera notification. Some locations, no notifications in either direction of travel, others in only one direction. I have spoken to support at Uniden and the answer was that he will pass the problem along.
I am using the latest updates 06.13.17.
Is anyone else having this issue?
Thanks Tim
August 14, 2017 at 8:39 am (UTC -8)
Every RLC database needs periodic updates. Things change and so no database will always be 100% accurate. Thanks for reporting it though! That’ll give them a chance to make updates as needed.
August 14, 2017 at 8:55 am (UTC -8)
The cameras have been in place for at least 2 or 3 years. And the notifications in question are only in one direction of travel or none at all. Uniden says the R3 is non directional.
Hey how are you? I would like to purchase an R1 preferably from bestbuy, when do you think they willgo back in stock. you totally convinced to buy one. I also see they are out of stock everywhere else. please let me know soon. thank you, and thank you for all videos and info you put up about radar detectors, you convinced me out of the whistler and Im too cheap to buy r3, but r1 is perfect.
Awesome. I actually have no idea when they’ll be in stock at Best Buy. I see them listed on BB’s website, but no word on when they’ll be in stock. The best way to go about it right now is to order one online here: https://geni.us/UnidenR1-VR They’ll be back in stock very soon, plus they’ll be preloaded with the latest firmware too.
thanks for responding. by the way I watch all you videos. great job and thank you. quick question in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEr52utks2c video you teach how to hardwire stuff into car, how come you dont use an empty fuse? why did you use windshield wipers?
Hello, I have an R3 that works GREAT!! However while sitting at a red light cam I accidentally pushed a button and deleted that particular red light cam from my R3. How can a put that particular red light cam back on my R3? I know how to mark and delete mark locations, but not sure of how to make the R3 recognize that particular red light cam again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all that you do!
I think you’d have to restore the RLC database using the software from Uniden’s website.
I’ll give that a try. Thank you!
why does the R-1 have to be updated if it does not use the Red light an speed an GPS ???? I want a R-1 but at my age–the updates confuse me ???
RLC updates are a separate update. The firmware update that just came out, for example, improved the K/Ka ghosting, changed the display colors, added new features, added new audio tones, fixed, bugs, and so on. See this video for more info: https://youtu.be/LBroj6aUTLs
Hi Vortex
I am a user of R1 radar detector in China. Also i have a redline radar detector too.
Yesterday i found some missing alarm of R1 radar detector. I think i should let you know this problem… I like uniden Seires radar detector. Also we have many similar fans with me in China. We found this important problem and i am writing to and let you know, Hope that you can review.
Pls check this video: http://www.365yg.com/group/6461285747935674894/
From the video you can see. there is a theat in front of redline and r1, but r1 without any alarm.
Pls check it….
Hi Vortex
Can you see the video?
Yes, but I was away for the holiday weekend. No need to message me repeatedly. I respond when I am able. Thank you.
The R1 is not designed to being used in China and this is one of the reasons why I don’t recommend American radar detectors when people ask about what’s best for use in other countries. They’re designed to detect the radar guns that we have here. I know of some radar guns in Europe, for example, that the R1 can’t detect either but it’s not designed to be used there either. I’m not sure exactly what radar gun you’re encountering in China, but clearly you’re going to have to take into account things different than we do here in the US. Do you have any details about that radar gun or what it is?
In Romania police use BEE 3 K band – 24.050-24.250 GHz.
Do you think UNIDEN R1/R3 will be ok?
Thank you!
It works fine against that gun, but there’s always many other things to consider in other countries so I’m not going to be a good person to help you with what you need in Romania.
Thank you your respinse.I bought a Whistler GT 468GXI INTERNATIONAL version from a store in my country.It’s not yet listed on their website.They say this is a fresh new released product and that information about it will be published soon.I am now testing it.I wish i could test another radar detectors from USA like Uniden,Radenso,some Escort models that here are not to be found.But i cannot buy and then return them, I do not have that money…
I’d love to see your test results and learn more about what you encounter there! Do you have a website or a youtube channel? Just test with what you have, whatever it is. I started out with just the one or two detectors that I had and went from there. You learn a LOT about how to test, how to present results, and so on, and so it’s good to have all the standard stuff down before getting more detectors.. that way you can make the most of it. 🙂
Unfortunately i don’t.I am not as good as you in talking in english for youtube,and neighter in writing and i don’t have an website.And i started all this discussion because of a radar detector that i have bought 2 weeks ago,,Cobra Rad 450”.I looked for reviews on youtube and that way i found you Vortex.Nice reviews and good information that is verry usefull for a begginer like me.I searched for more answers from companyes like Cobra,Uniden and Whistler Group by mailing them. I cannot say that Cobra Rad 450 is not good because i didn’t had enough time to test it but some reviews pushed me further to try another radar detector.Maybe now i will have time and luck(in finding more Police Radars).Last time i had luck in finding only two Radars, one on the move and the other one stationary but on standby.The first one was detected from a distance like 500m but was on the move in heavy traffic.The second one was not detected by the Cobra because I saw the Cop was going to a car that it stopped for speeding.I think the radar was off or on standby.Anyway I am looking to make a review for that Whistler GT 468 GXI.My first impression from the unboxing is that the quality build of the product is not as good as the Cobra.
I am a proudly owner of a Uniden R3,i can confirm to you guys,the detector is working exceptionaly well in Romania.We only use K band here.I saw in your video the R3/R1 will have another firmware with Ka segmentation,so please Vortex ask Uniden to add K band seg on future updates,it will be very usefull not only narrow and wide like in present.Thank you Vortex for your videos,you have determined me to buy the R3 after cancelled my order on the EX when i saw the poor performance.With the R3 i took the risk of using it abroad US/CA and its working very good.In the past i used Beltronics/Escort RD’s but Uniden is by far the best.Period!
Salut,as dori daca se poate un review despre detectorul Uniden sau macar sa imi spui cum se comporta,la ce distanta detecteaza,este eficient la noi?.Am citit comentariul tau si vad ca a-i avut curajul sa il cumperi desi nu stiai daca este 100% eficient in tara noastra.De unde l-ai cumparat?Ce magazin?A-i dat comanda din USA?Cat te-a costat cu tot cu taxe?
Sper sa vezi mesajul si sa raspunzi Multumesc!
That messege in that languagr is for GABRIEL the guy from Romania with the Uniden detector.
@Gabriel how good the BSM filtering is in the city? Do you get many false alerts? I’m also based in Romania and I’m interested in buying an Uniden R3 so I’d like to know if it falses a lot or not.
Thank you!
Hello, Julian! The BSM filter works good. The detector will alert you when he senses radar technology, that includes automatic doors. So, to avoid a crazy number of alerts, you must put it on “city” or configure “advanced”, and/or use GPS lockout.
I don’t know how many lockouts you can create (ask Vortex to respond on that – he is a smart and wise guy) because I have an Uniden R1.
Salut Stefan
Nu am apucat sa il testez in afara orasului,in oras ia MCV-ul cam de la 1.5-2 km,porneste si ma tot uit dupa MCV :)),il detecteaza chiar daca e intre blocuri,strada paralela cu tine,e extrem de sensibil.L-am cumparat de pe ebay de la powersportus ,am ajuns cu el undeva la 600 dolari (detector,transport,taxe de import) si am asteptat undeva la 3 sapt o luna sa ajunga.Merita totii banii daca iti permiti.Succes!
Multumesc pentru raspuns.Acum am in teste un Whistler GT 468 GXI.Este varianta internationala.Eu sper sa fie ok.Daca nu sunt multumit incerc sa il returnez si sa achizitionez un Uniden R1 sau R3.Orice Uniden R1/R3 este ok in Ro sau al tau e alta varianta?
Oricare e ok da.Practic exista doar o singura varianta de Uniden R1/R3 nu exista varianta internationala.
Ok Multumesc!
Multumesc!Inca o rugaminte cand il vei testa si in afara localitatii astept o parere de la tine la cum se comporta…cat de departe vede radarele in special MCV.Stiu ca atunci cand stau la panda baietii de obicei radarele sunt pe standby si sunt aproape imposibil de detectat la timp.Detectorul meu are gps(cred ca este inutil in tara noastra si l-am dezactivat)detecteaza pe 360°,banda x,banda ka la fel sunt dezactivate.Tu ce setari folosesti?unde il ai montat? jos pe bord,jos pe mijlocul parbrizului sau in stanga sus langa oglinda retrovizoare?
Salut!a trecut ceva timp de cand am avut discutia in legatura cu detectorul Uniden R3,banuiesc ca a trecut prin destule testePoti reveni cu un video,sau un review pentru mine?Doresc sa achizitionez un R1 dar as fi vrut sa stiu ce parere ai despre detectorul tau si daca esti multumit.De la ce distanta detecteaza?Este bun fata de alte detectoare(daca cumva a.i mai avut/testat?
Astept un raspuns!Multumesc!
Salut, Stefane!
Mi-am luat un R1. A ajuns in mai putin de 3 saptamani si m-a costat cam 440 dolari cu totul. Face toti banii. Este mai mic si mai usor decat mi-am imaginat. Imi place ca nu are chestii cromate, motiv pentru care nu se reflecta in parbriz. Inca nu am intalnit niciun radar, si nici nu sunt prea doritor sa intalnesc. E foarte sensibil, se vede dupa distanta de la care caraie la usile automate.
Salut!Multumesc pentru raspuns.Am si eu un detector de la Whistler,varianta internationala si anume:Whistler GT 468GXI.Este foarte sensibil si primesc destule alarme false.Detecteaza usile automate de la distanta mare,dar radarul il detecteaza cam prea tarziu si uneori deloc.Eu nu prea sunt multumit si deja este pus la vanzare.Am o ruda in America si as fi dorit sa achizitionez un Uniden R1,pentru ca este destul de laudat in America.Vroiam confirmari despre performanta lui de la utilizatori ca tine din Romania ,ca sa stiu daca merita cu adevarat sa investesc in el.Imi este teama sa nu il cumpar si sa se comporte ca Whistler.Chiar crezi ca se merita?
Eu m-am ferit de Whistler pentru ca am vazut cu ochii mei cum nu-si facea treaba. Nu vreau sa zic ca toate sunt proaste. E posibil ca modelul pe care-l ai tu sa fie unul corespunzator. Tu, in calitate de posesor, ramane sa decizi asta. Nu ma lansez intr-o judecata generala pentru ca s-ar putea sa gresesc, la fel cum gresesc cei care pun ca toate Cobra sunt proaste. Eu am unul tocmai din 2006 si m-a scos din multe belele. Filmuletele pe care le am sunt foarte edificatoare. In fine, ideea e ca am vrut unul la care sa pot inchide benzile care sunt inutile la noi (X si Ka). Pentru asta imi trebuia unul nou si la vremea respectiva mi -a cazut cu tronc un Cobra RAD450. E un detector decent, care m-a salvat si el din doua situatii.
Ulterior mi-a atras tentia Uniden R1. Datorita sensibilitatii crescute si a faptului ca eu conduc doua masini (mi-era greu sa ma plimb cu detectorul de la una la alta), mi-am achizitionat un R1.
Cum ziceam, inca nu am intalnit niciun radar, si nici nu doresc. Singura comparatie pot s-o fac in fata unui supermarket sau a unei benzinarii. Daca vrei pot sa fac un filmulet cu detectoarele si sa ti-l trimit. Apropo, eu sunt din Botosani. Daca esti de prin vecinatati poate ne vedem la o limonada 🙂
Uite aici singurul filmulet de la noi cu un R3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZLdkluIFOQ
Toate cele bune!
Multumesc inca o data pentru raspuns.Din pacate sunt destul de departe de Botosani.Sunt din Targoviste Dambovita.Am si statie si detector(Whistler-ul).Dar Whistler dupa cum am zis nu ma multumeste si doresc sa achizitionez Uniden R1.Edte ultima investutie pe care o voi face legat de detectoare.Am avut si Cobra rad 450,dar am facu retur si am luat Whistler,care tot nu ma multumeste.In fine…cred ca o sa comand R1.Multumesc!
Salut!Cum a decurs cumpararea detectorului?Am incercat sa comand R1 pe o adresa la o cunostina in America,insa nu imi accepta cardul de Romania.Tu cum ai platit?Cu alarmele false cum se desurca detetorul?Ai reusit sa intalnesti macar un radar?
Eu l-am luat de pe ebay de la buydig. Sunt foarte amabili si m-au informat constant despre starea comenzii. Poti intra pe site-ul lor si sa discuti direct cu ei.
In oras e bine sa-l pui pe “city” sau sa-ti configurezi optiunea “advanced” ca altfel nici nu te apropii bine de un supermarket si incepe sa alerteze daca esti pe “highway” (sensibilitate maxima). Butonul “mute” de mufa de la bricheta este foarte util ca nu trebuie sa te mai intinzi peste bord sa apesi butonul.
Chiar aseara am intalnit un radar si am constat ca sta foarte bine si la detectia off-axis. Eram pe modul “city” (unde sensibilitatea pentru banda K e redusa undeva pe la 10-15 %). Inainte sa intru intr-o intersectie cu sens giratoriu a inceput sa alerteze. Cand sa ies din intersectie (eu mergand inainte) m-am uitat in oglinda si am vazut masina politiei ca a traversa intersectia pe o traiectorie perpendiculara cu a mea, dar dupa ce am trecut eu.
Inca odata iti multumesc pentru raspuns.Am sa comand R1 pana la urma.Deci sa inteleg,ca esti multumit de detector si isi face treaba cu mult peste alte detectoare.Eu inca mai am Whistler Gt 468 GXI si ieri am facut update la baza de date a GPS.O sa il mai testez pana ajunge R1,pentru ca am facut alta combinatie de setari.(cautand intens pe net,citind din nou manualul de instructiuni)Vreau sa vad daca acum cu aceaste noi setari, isi face altfel treaba.Pana acum m-a cam dezamagit in rata de detectie( uneori detecteaza dar prea tarziu,alte ori nu detecteaza deloc) si alarme false.Daca vrei si nu te deranjeaza, putem vorbi legat de ,,pasiunea” asta pentru detectoare pe messenger-ul de la facebook,whatsapp.Lasa un id,un nr de telefon.
Ca sa nu poluam prea mult aceasta sectiune, cred ca cel mai bine e sa-ti las adresa de e-mail ([email protected]) unde ne vom impartasi alte date de contact, pareri, experiente, proiecte etc.
Salut Gabriel!
Ai reusit sa il testezi si in afara orasului?Daca da,de la ce distanta detecteaza?Primesti multe alarme fasle?Esti multumit de el?Ai facut update la noul firmware?
Hi,I am back as I promised with the review of Whistler GT 468 GXI International Version if anyone is interested in this model.What I can say is that the detector is not so extraordinary in performance.The detecting distance is like this:in some situations if the radar(BeeIII) is on, it can detect it from 800,900 1km(plenty of time to sloe down if your speed is not to high)but if the radar is on stand by/instanton even with POP mode on the detector will not make a sound.So i do not know if it POP mode will decrease de distance/reaction time of the detector.In 360° it has an average detection.Compareing th ee Cobra Rad 450 with Whistler GT 468 GXI the Whistler is giving mouch more false alarms then the Cobra.The build quality is better on Cobra.Reading the information is again more easy at the Cobra.Overall I can say that the Whistler is a decent detector for what it can offer.But for the price 150$ I cannot say that it is worth the money.I do not know maybe I am to exigent.I was expecting from this new radar detector a good performance.But now I am not so excited.Maybe i didn’t tested enough.Well this is my first review.I hope it will help someone who is/was interested in buying this detector.This the review of Whistler GT 468 GXI.
salut Stefan! sunt in acceasi situatie in care ai fost si tu! am luat un rad450 dar in afara de faptul ca filtreaza foarte bine alertele false, nu am gasit niciun motiv sa-l pastrez si am facut retur. m-a derangat faptul ca nu vede refexii ale undei radar, e bun doar in linie dreapta.(500m-800m si 1400m :)dupa ce am depasit un radar care avea client). am pus ochii pe un whistler 468gxi, acum caut rewiewuri si in afara de al tau, nu vb nimeni despre gxi. cum e pana la urma? esti multumit de el?
Salut!Sincer nu mă mulțumește nici whistler 468 GXI.Am incercat aproape toate setările citind manualul de instrucțiuni..dar nu prea mă ajută detectorul,in sensul că de multe ori treci pe langa radar și detectorul nu schițează nimic(probabil ei au radarul in standby)Distanta de detecție diferă, uneori 100,500,800,1km..alteori doar alarme false.Sincer după câteva luni de utilizare sunt cam dezamăgit.(Mă rog,poate nu știu eu să îl folosesc cum trebuie)Am folosit de multe ori detectorul,concomitent cu statia CB că sa nu am surprize neplăcute.(Statia a fost cumparta, după achizitionarea detectorului doar pentru a afla unde se afla radarele, pentru să îl testez mai repede.In prezent doresc să îl vând,pentru că folosesc mai mult statia.(Nici statia nu este 100% sigura dar mie îmi folosește)Apropo..la asta o sa ai mai multe alarme false.Detectoarele mai scumpe,mai performante dau multe alarme false ,dar isi fac treaba cand trebuie.(Sunt mai sensibile fata de detectoarele low cost)Sper că îți este de folos replay-ul meu in luarea unei decizii.Drive Safe!!
multumesc tare mult! imi pusesem sperante mari in acest detector(gxi). data fiind parerea ta, o sa iau un 438xi care e mai ieftin si are rewiew ca ar simti radarul de dupa curba/deal. daca nu-mi place, o sa ma intorc la rad 450. si eu folosesc statie cb dar mai sunt neinscriptionate pe care nu toata lumea le recunoaste in trafic si era sa o “fur”, moment in care am zis ca iau si un detector. multumesc! toate bune!
Salutare, baieti!
Toti amicii mei care si-au luat Whistler au sfarsit prin a-l arunca intr-un sertar datorita slabei calitati. Eu am un Cobra de aproape 12 ani care si-a facut treaba nesperat de bine (am sa pun niste filmulete pe youtube), si acum vreau sa-l las sa se “odihneasca”.
Am un Cobra rad450 care e inca in teste. Nu e rau, dar simt ca se poate mai bine.
Am vazut un flmulet cu Uniden r3 facut la noi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZLdkluIFOQ
Si mie imi face cu ochiul un r1. Daca vrei ne cuplam si luam de pe ebay. ajunge la 300 $ bucata plus taxe ( circa 100 $) pe care le facem pe din doua.
Toate cele bune!
Salut Ionut!Pana la urma ce detector ti-ai achizitionat?Cum se comporta?Are performante bune?La ce distanta detecteaza?
Hey Vortex
Can you be moving in your vehicle and accurately lock out a false alert or do you need to be stationary. Also I notice you always use the suction cups in your videos , what’s your thoughts on the suction cup?
Yes sir! That’s actually the way it’s intended to be used. Many detectors even keep track of where the false alert is present from start to finish so it knows where to create the lockout. The source may be in one location, but it could be a speed sign aiming way down a straightaway so you could pick it up for a while, for example.
As for suction cups, I’m a fan! They’re quick and easy, especially since I’m constantly switching detectors. I also like that the mount is pretty small. My Miata doesn’t have a ton of windshield real estate so keeping the setup compact is definitely beneficial. 😉
Really tempted to send back my Max 360 for the R3– only disadvantage of R3 might be arrows and auto lockouts. Is the R3 as quiet as the 360???
I got my R3, but it has been extremely quite except for letting me know about new Cadillac’s and Chryslers in front of me.
It went off 4 times for police, one Ka POP, I couldn’t see the COP, twice Ka band, when I could already see the COP and once K band when I could already see the cop. It was not instant on or laser as the detector continued to beep while I was passing the COP.
Could something be wrong with my unit?
The Cadillac and Chrysler falsing is normal.
Turn off POP detection. You’ll get false alerts and reduced performance.
If you get the alert only when you see the cop, either he’s using instant on or something else is happening such as he’s pointing his radar antenna in the other direction to clock cars the other way. The radar gun isn’t always pointed towards you.
Thank you Vortex for your quick reply.
So unless the radar gun is pointed towards me, the range is pretty short, right?
Will it alert me in timely manor, if the radar gun is behind me? in other words do you know how good is the range for rear detection?
How does the R1 compare to the DFR6 when it comes to Spectre IV?
Both are effectively stealth and undetectable.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve noticed alot of people mention oscillator frequency changes would unmask these detectors. This makes no sense to me, as at 11 feet it’s detectable as is. So clearly the spectre reads the frequency of the R6 already. Is the undetectablity of the detector a hardware thing? Such as antenna design. Is a Spectre software upgrade something to worry about in your opinion? I’m not 100 percent sure on how the stealth is achieved. I’m basically asking your opinion on the future proofness of these type of detectors.
Right, there’s a lot of speculation and guesswork about it, but no one knows for sure. From what it looks like right now, the Spectre is already searching for any of the possible frequencies a RD could use. Back in the day RD manufacturers simply changed the LO frequencies to something the VG2 wasn’t scanning for and presto! No more detection. It’s not that simple with the Spectre though. I did a write-up on the subject here if you want to see more information. https://www.rdforum.org/index.php?threads/64535/page-6#post-907688
Hi I tried to update the firmware several times and doesn’t work, I followed the video instruction and still, any advise? file open failed error display during installation….
The video is now kind of out of date since the software has been simplified. Make sure you have the drivers installed and you’re using a good USB cable. Check the written instructions for more info.
Hi there. I really enjoyed and appreciate the thorough review that you have done on the Uniden R3. Based on your review, I decided to purchase an R3 and I must say that I am totally amazed and very satisfied with my purchase. I believe that you have had some input to the Uniden R1/R3 design team regarding features and design changes in the beta stage of this product and I am wondering if you might want to pass along a suggestion that I believe would take this great product and make it an unbelievable one. The R3 has the ability to detect radar signals in a 360 degree arc but you have no idea as to which direction the primary radar signal is coming from. I don’t think it would be terribly difficult for the software folks at Uniden to write firmware that determines direction of arrival of the signal and display a single arrow on the screen on the left hand side where the mph is displayed that is pointing to the direction of the strongest arriving radar signal. If they could come up with some firmware to do this, I for one and I’m quite sure most other R1/R3 owners would be willing to pay $50-75 for this upgraded software and they could then offer both the R1/R3 at a slightly higher price point and still be attractively priced compared to the competitors that do offer a direction of radar signal product and would make the R3 the defacto standard that all other units would aspire to be. Thanks again for the great review.
Funny that you bring this up Jeff. I just posted a video on the subject a few days ago. https://youtu.be/Pf6JLd16kWM
Thanks for the reply. I was under the mistaken impression that the R3 had two antennas and you have answered that it has only one so I clearly understand that the current hardware platform can’t determine direction. In order for any detector to do a credible job of determining direction, the unit needs to be able to determine both signal strength at the different antennas and time of arrival of the signal. With that information, you can certainly do a good job of predicting fairly accurately the direction of the radar signal. I have worked on a location platform that had three antennas that we would rotate electronically and determine time of arrival, signal strength and Doppler shift in order to provide very accurate direction information. You would not need to be that accurate with the R3 as what you are really trying to determine is which of the four quadrants is the radar signal emanating from so you know where to look for the radar source. Thanks again for the reply.
Wow that sounds like an awesome project! It sounds like it’d be a bit much for a radar detector, hehe, but I’ve always wondered what it’d be like if we could get even more accurate directional information beyond just front or rear.
I am one of the strict followers of the site. Yesterday I bought a new R3. It came with version 1.37. Everything looked good. I took the K Band warnings several times during the cruise. Despite the fact that the features were clear, the Ka Band did not give any warning, including speed cameras, Red light cameras, and it was silent. I got the product default settings, nothing changed. I got caught in a constant speed camera. I forgot to turn on an important feature or something is wrong with my device.
Speed cameras and redlight cameras don’t use Ka band. You’re reliant upon the GPS database typically for those. It won’t have every camera in the database, but it does have a lot. See if the ones in your area are also marked on Waze and if they’re missing from the detector, you can contact Uniden to let them know.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. Speed cameras X, K, Ka and so on. I thought you worked with a certain frequency. There seems to be a problem with the device.I got rid of a few times from the lion waiting in the ambush. I was lucky I was slow, the device was quiet, it did not warn me. I did not make any adjustments after returning to the factory settings. Here, X – K – Ka – The laser is on
Post some information on RDF and we can help you figure everything out and program your detector accordingly. https://www.rdforum.org/index.php
Thank you. I reprogrammed the device. I noticed that the whole threat setting was off. I corrected this and went out to hunt again. Now everything is working as it should be.
I currently have a escort 9500ix
Is the R3 really that much better and why.
Thx for the help
Yes! Lockouts are manual instead of automatic, but significantly better performance, better blind spot filtering, way more useful features, support for detecting more radar guns, it’s continually updated, and so on.
I purchased an R3 last week and took a road trip a few days later. After playing with the settings (thanks for your suggestions) I found that this detector is worthy of all the priase it gets. The range and lack of false alarms are amazing. The one and only thing I have an issue with is the small size of the fonts for the MPH amd compass. display I find that he only way it is readable is with a white background, which is not my preference. In your discussions with Uniden, please mention this to them and see if there is a way to make these larger. That may be the only thing keeping this from being the perfect detector. It came with 1.37. Is that the latest firmware?
I’m leaning toward the R1/R3 to buy but wondering if it will work on a motorcycle. Is there any way to connect headphones, speakers, Bluetooth, etc? My only concern is not being able to hear it on the highway.
Thanks for all the info!
If not, is there a radar detector you would recommend for motorcycle riders?
It works well on motorcycles too and there’s a headphone jack on the side you can tap into for external audio. 🙂 https://geni.us/UnidenR3-VR
Thanks for replying! Awesome. As I do mostly highway driving, I think I will opt for the R1 instead of the R3, since you said they are basically the same less the GPS functionality. Thanks again!
Hi Vortex,
Does Uniden or any other radar detectors you recommend has international versions that will work in Russia and CIS countries, is there any GPS database for that region. If yes, please let know, tnx.
Hi, as per your advice, I have purchased Uniden R3.
Do you have any advice for using in india ? I have seen here police patrol using Laser guns.
Recently, I was caught for over speed. They speed me physically but Uniden didn’t alert me. I doubt they had switched on the camera because at every ATM machine the laser alarm is on. Pl comment.
Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what the best radar detector is for India or if the R3 is even a good choice there. The R3 is designed to detect the threats we have in North America. That may or may not be what you see in India.
Hi Vortex,
Love my R3 however, whenever I attempt to update the firmware on my iMac, it doesn’t read the cable. More specifically it states connect cable. Yes Im using the AmazonBasics USB 2.0 Cable – A-Male to Mini-B. In fact, I thought the cable was bad, and got another cable. Any ideas? I was going to try “Factory rest on the R3 in the car” if that doesn’t work, could the defector have a problem?
Love your site, great info……
Look forward to your response.
Have you installed the drivers?
Hi, I recently had my R3 pickup on a KA band from a patrol car using the default notification sound to alert me, but it also started to randomly make a completely different chime while it was giving the KA alert sound, not used for any other band. It does not happen on every KA pickup. I’ve never heard this alert tone before, do you have any info on this?
Thank you
Was it the new bogey alert tone? You can run through the settings and see if you can find the tone that you heard.
I bought an r1 and I live In Virginia I have Did the update on my Uniden but for some odd reason it’s picks up everything but not the state troopers are they using a different Frequency mode please let me know because I run the highways every day and it works great everything else just doesn’t pick up them state troopers
question:on the r3 if you keeped the display on dark longer and only showed up when a detection was made,would that help prolong the display from messing up faster?
Totally appreciate the very detailed evaluation of the R3. After reading most of your reviews, I gulped and ordered the R3 three weeks ago. So far, after updating the firmware to 1.50, I received Ka threats from 3/4 to a mile distance from troopers in GA and SC. After using it for 950 miles, I am nothing but awed. Amazing difference from my last detector, which was a Whistler “box” in the 1977 timeframe.
Thanks again, and keep up the amazing work! Oh, and congrats on the new family member!
Col J.R. Dobbins, USAF, Ret
Congrats and thank you! 🙂
Bought an R3 last June to replace an aging Passport that was awesome but at 10 years old it was time to go. Loved the R3, ease of updating the firmware, red light database etc. Only 1 problem, lost sound in September. The speaker just up and quit. spent some time playing with it thinking it was the setup or firmware etc but realised it was simply not working. Called Uniden and they provided me with info to ship it for warranty repair…shipping cost me $80 from Canada to their facility…no local option. Its been 3 weeks and I finally tracked it down and they said they replaced the speaker and shipped it a week ago…no tracking info and no idea when I’ll see it. They could really up their game in the comms dept and also the extra $ I’m out of pocket and time lost from not having it. I asked if they would extend the 1 year warranty and they said no..so, yes I love the R3 and its ease of use, not very happy at it breaking so easily so soon.
I agree. A number of people have been reporting reliability issues with the Unidens.
Purchased an R3 in July 2019…the unit saved me (no doubt) from locals using Ka, as well as amazing great heads up in various states via their State Patrol LEOs. However, speaker (typically set at 3) passed away quietly. Sent it back to Uniden, who promptly replaced the speaker. Upon return, it sounded great again, but ALAS, the menu button would not function. Tried holding it down for 30 seconds, reflashing 1.50, etc without success. Called Uniden again, sent it in…and STILL awaiting a new SRO for its repair, 7 days later. Called Uniden, who said that it would be another few days to get an accurate timeframe for repair.
Love the unit, but unimpressed with the obvious defects in the unit, and the ineffectual repair folks in TX.
Oh well…will await the verdict (they may hold it until the warranty expires.?)
I suppose that I should’ve awaited the new Radenso with RAI in 2020.
Just a heads up for consideration for potential buyers of the R3.
I live in buffalo Ny and currently drive a combination of urban city driving and suburban driving with little highway driving. I am pondering over whether to get a Radenso XP or the R3. I have a lot of collision detection alerts on my current unit( 5 yr old cobra) and want good bsm. Am I giving up range on the little highway use over going with the R3? I have watched and read a ton of your reviews. It seems the R3 beats the XP in everything but false alerts. I like both and can’t decide especially sine the price range is so close now( +-$50).
Thanks for all your help in advance and appreciate all the great info you are producing for us!
Yeah most people choose the R3. It’s been a while since I’ve run the XP to be honest and the R3 has had some updates to improve its filtering (ie. K Block) so I’m not sure how much better the XP is than the R3 in terms of filtering anymore, but yeah, the R3 is generally the one people go for.
Does any know if there is a smart phone app for the R3 (purchased 2/2019)?
Given that the R3 doesn’t have Bluetooth, there is no app support available, sorry. You’d need to get the newer R4 for that.