Category: Radar Detectors

How to Set Up Your Uniden LRD950

Once you’ve purchased a Uniden LRD950 from here or here, you’ll want to set it up. This tutorial will walk you through getting the detector configured properly and customized for you.

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Escort Max360: Under the Hood

Let’s take apart the Max360 and see what lies underneath. Let’s see the dual-horn antenna, GPS chip, PCB’s, RF board, internal components, and more. 🙂

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Beltronics GT-7: Under the Hood

Here’s a teardown of the GT-7. It is indeed essentially a Max with different clothing. (Max2 teardown here.) I did find some minor differences when taking it apart so it’s not exactly a 1:1 swap… things like the new case has one little access area to open it up while the Max2 has two, the …

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Beltronics RX65 M4: Under the Hood

Let’s take a look under the hood of the Beltronics RX65 M4. 🙂

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Escort Passport Max2: Under the Hood

Let’s take the Max2 apart and take a look inside to see how it’s put together, how the horn looks, how the laser receiver works,where the speaker is, and so on. This was fun. 🙂

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Sept 2015, RD Testing: Stinger VIP, Cobra DSP, Radenso Pro SE, etc.

So as many of you know, I did another RD test last week with the help of many of you guys.

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Stinger DSI & Stinger VIP: Side-by-side comparison

Here’s a side-by-side comparison between the components of the older Stinger DSI and the newer Stinger VIP. In the video you’ll see the differences between the antennas, the main computer, the speakers, and the displays. You can purchase a Stinger VIP at and save 10% with the coupon code “VortexRadar.”

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Stinger VIP Radar Detector Components

Stinger VIP Components labeled

Here’s a look at the Stinger VIP components that come with a dual antenna radar detector package. Stinger VIP Components You’ll find the computer, two antennas, display, speaker, GPS antenna, brackets, and power cable. It also comes with some other things not pictured here such as the USB drive and cable, extension box, manual, and …

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How to Set Up & Configure Your Beltronics Magnum

The Beltronics Magnum offers a number of different settings and options that help you customize the detector to maximize your performance and minimize your false alerts. This video will walk you through the different menu options and explain what the different settings mean.

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Escort Passport Max2 Review

If you’d like to learn more about the Escort Passport Max2 radar detector, here’s my Max2 review video. The Max2 is basically designed to be an easy to use, plug and play radar detector that does just about everything for you with little to no setup. It can even filter out false alerts automatically while …

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