Tag: Dashcam

Escort M1 Dashcam Initial Impressions

Escort M1 on the Max360c

Last night I grabbed my new Escort M1 dashcam (SEMA announcement info here) and mounted it onto a Max360c and took it for a spin. Here are my initial impressions of the new dashcam. You can read my full Escort M1 review here.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/11/escort-m1-dashcam-initial-impressions/

Escort M1 Dashcam Announced

M1 on side of iXc

This week at SEMA, Escort has announced their new M1 dashcam. It’s a 1080p dashcam that’s designed to attach right on to the side of most windshield mount Escort radar detectors, giving you an integrated radar detector / dashcam package. The dashcam retails for $199 and is available now.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/11/escort-m1-dashcam-announced/

DOD RC500S and LS500W Dashcam Giveaway

DOD RC500S and LS500W on windshield giveaway

Enter to win a free DOD RC500S or a DOD LS500W dashcam! Enter here: DOD RC500S & LS500W Dashcam Giveaway

Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/06/dod-rc500s-and-ls500w-dashcam-giveaway/

Thinkware F800 Pro Dashcam Giveaway

Enter to win a free Thinkware F800 Pro 2-channel dashcam! It records at Full HD 1080p front and rear, records when you’re driving and parked, features GPS, WiFi, and cloud integration, retails for $459, but you can enter now to win one free. Update: Congratulations to Max S. for winning the dashcam! Thinkware F800 Pro …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2018/05/thinkware-f800-pro-dashcam-giveaway/

Blackvue DR750S-2CH Review

Brand new Blackvue DR750S-2CH in the box

Blackvue’s latest top of the line dashcam is the DR750S-2CH. It’s a significant upgrade over their previous top of the line, the DR650S-2CH. (If you’re already familiar with the DR650S, check out my DR650S vs. DR750S comparison.) I ran the DR650S as my primary dashcam for about a year and upgraded to the the DR750S …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/11/blackvue-dr750s-2ch-review/

How Do Dashcams Work?

How do dashcams work? Dashcam installed by rear view mirror

Dashcams, or dash cameras, are an incredibly valuable tool to have in your vehicle. They keep you protected in case of accidents, they’re helpful for insurance purposes, plus you can record all sorts of crazy events you see on the road which are great for YouTube. 🙂 How do dashcams work? Let’s take a look.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/11/how-do-dashcams-work/

20 Differences Between the Blackvue DR650S-2CH and DR750S-2CH Dashcams

Blackvue DR650S and DR750S mounted in my car

Blackvue has just released their new DR750S-2CH dashcam which is a pretty big update over their previous top of the line, the DR650S-2CH. I’ve been running the 650S for the better part of a year now and have been running the 750S for the past two weeks or so. After spending time comparing the cameras …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/09/20-differences-between-the-blackvue-dr650s-2ch-and-dr750s-2ch/

KDLINKS X1 Dashcam Review

I’d like to start doing some dashcam reviews now. I’ve previously reviewed the Itronics ITB-100HD, the dashcam I’ve been using the past few years. The next one I’m taking a look at is the KDLINKS X1, a newer 1080p dashcam that offers some upgrades beyond what I’ve had up to this point including better video quality, as …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2016/02/kdlinks-x1-dashcam-review/

Itronics ITB-100HD Dashcam Review

For the past few years I’ve been running the Itronics ITB-100HD dashcam. Two of them actually, front and rear. They’re solid cameras, I love the stealthy matte black finish, that it uses larger and easier to manage SD cards, the image quality is pretty good, and the included GPS functionality is a great benefit. I’m …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.vortexradar.com/2016/01/itronics-itb-100hd-dashcam-review/

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