Escort just released new firmware for both the Max360 and Max360c that is specifically designed to help fix the dreaded lockup bug.
To update your detector, download Escort Detector Tools Pro.
Lockup Bug Background
So a quick background as to what this latest update helps us resolve…
There have been situations where the Max360, Max360c, and Beltronics GT-360 lock up when detecting a radar signal. The detector would essentially freeze without alerting the user and would no longer continue to alert to new radar signals. The only solution was to notice the detector had locked up and then physically unplug it and plug it back in to power cycle it.
This issue has been difficult for Escort to reproduce and resolve. They’ve released several firmware updates up to this point to help alleviate the issue. Each one has progressively helped reduce the lockups. Hopefully this latest one takes care of this issue for good!
New Firmware Update
Here are the latest firmware versions now available:
- Max360c, 1.8
- Max360 (serial starts with 79), 1.10
- Max360 (serial starts with 85), 1.7
To update your detector, you can do so via your computer.
Download Escort’s update software here.
Alternatively, if you have a Max360c, you can also update your detector over WiFi.
Tip: To check which firmware is currently loaded onto your detector, hold down the “Mark” and “Mute” buttons while powering on the detector. (Think “M&M” to remember this button combo.)

Escort Max360c running firmware 1.8
Does the new update fix the lockup bug?
I’ve been driving around with the Max360 and Max360c for the past few days and so far it hasn’t locked up on me once. I’ve hit it with my Pocket Radar and it’s alerted properly every time. No reports of lockups from anyone on the forums yet either. So while it’s tough to say whether or not the issue has truly been resolved, so far so good!
Speaking of which, I’ve been really liking running the Max360 series detectors lately. The BSM filtering is great (better than the Uniden R3), it’s got arrows, reasonable performance, autolockouts, bluetooth, can display the speed limit on screen, I like the alert tones, etc.
Assuming this update has fully resolved the lockup issue for us and makes the detector more reliable and trustworthy, I think these detectors now make an even stronger case for themselves as being two of the best radar detectors on the market…
Download Escort’s update software
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Always great thank you.
Thanks for the information Vortex! I’ve been waiting for this fix for my GT-360.
With this bug gone its a very good detector. It is not a sensitive as my Redenso XP or Uniden R3, and it is by far the worst presentation of the 360 platform, but I got it new for $299. I can live with the copper case, and tiny arrows for that price.
Now if only the ZW5 laser “shifters” could defeat the dragon eye, it would be a good one stop full coverage. If you live where the dragon is not around, you could get the whole GT-360 and ZW5 for around $1,200… of course, I don’t think you can do rear laser jammers with the ZW5 though, so I guess it would be half-full coverage for the laser! I might try adding the TMG-15 jammer, but it is also having trouble with jamming dragon eye. And I just found out that the local Athens GA cops just took delivery of about a dozen Ford Tauruses set up for traffic enforcement…with dragon eye hand held in addition to Ka band radar. 🙁
Hi, when you buy max360c you need update ?
Possibly. Escort releases firmware updates periodically and RLC/speedcam updates pretty regularly. You can update with your computer or over WiFi.
I have a 2014 passport Max and can not find what firmware for it, I can’t find the information on any we’re
If you grab Detector Tools off of Escort’s website, you can have it check for any updates and update your detector accordingly.
just a quick update for everyone.. Aug/5/2019
Bug still no been addressed! i did the last update and unfortunately
my 360Max still freeze all the time and i need to replug power to reset it…
for such an expensive device this is not cool at all! shame on you Escort!
I have a max
360 with beginning serial # 79 what are the differences between MAX360 serial #starting with 79 and the other max360 can’t think of the starting Serial#s maybe 85 they take different software so what is the difference in the 2 mine takes the 1.10 firmware update.
Same detectors, but different Bluetooth modules and thus Escort Live pairing process. Because of this, there’s different firmware versions too.
I just bought an escort max 360 serial begins with 85. I updated it and says its updated but its only 1.1. I read it should be higher maybe 1.5. I bought it off Amazon and comes up as max 360BLE in detector tools. Does amazon sell different units. ?I’m about to return it and buy one from escort. Please help. Thanks.
For newer Max 360’s with the Bluetooth LE chip, the latest update that just came out earlier this week is firmware 1.10. I know it’s confusing because they go from 1.9 to 1.10 which can look like going from 1.9 to 1.1.
Thank you for your quick response. Its appreciated. I just got worried because after I updated it I couldn’t find the features you mentioned in your recent video. The k notch I believe. For the bsm.
Just wanted to update you on my dilemma of not seeing the k-notch setting after updating my max 360. It doesn’t show in the app, I had to go into the unit and change it there. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for all you do.
I have a Max360c and my current firmware version reads 1.13. It says I’m up to date but my radar doesn’t seem to pick up laser signals and I have checked everything. Also I almost got two tickets because it didn’t alert me at all that there was a cop with his radar gun out. Bought brand new from Bestbuy in October 2021.
Unfortunately that’s very common. No radar detector is going to provide reliable protection against laser. That’s what laser jammers are for. You can see my top picks here. Sorry about the tickets.
I have an escort max 360 with firmware 1.7 and serial starting with 85. Should I update to 1.10 or stay on 1.7?