The best laser jammer is the AntiLaser Priority.
Depending on your preferences and setup though, another jammer may be a better choice. Take a look at my recommended laser jammers to decide which one is best for you.
The best laser jammer is the AntiLaser Priority.
Depending on your preferences and setup though, another jammer may be a better choice. Take a look at my recommended laser jammers to decide which one is best for you.
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Uniden R8 ($699)
Best Performing GPS Radar Detector
Valentine 1 Gen2 ($599)
Best for Radar Detector Enthusiasts
Uniden R7 ($499)
Best bang for the buck with arrows
Uniden R4 ($379)
Best non-arrow detector
Uniden R3Â ($299)
Best performance under $300
Uniden DFR7 ($199)
Best under $200
AntiLaser Priority ($1069 Dual, $1699 Triple TX BT HiFi)
The best performing and top laser jammer on the market
Stinger Fibers ($1825 Dual, $2525 Triple)
Tiny heads for stealthy installs, great for exotic cars, expensive, poor track record of updates
Adaptiv TPX ($949 Triple)
Best affordable laser jammer (Save 10% with coupon “Vortex”)
Uniden R9 ($3,999, radar and laser)
High performance radar detector & laser jammer combo
Net Radar DSP ($619, $1119 w/ arrows)
Affordable custom installed radar detector, integrates with AntiLaser Priority
I have TWO of the TMGAmerica Laser Defender and its worked PERFECTLY. I live in Florida, I have travelled all over and countless times I get zapped by Police Lasers. Its impressive how they hide so well in driveways and entries to complexes. yet EVERY time the TMGAmerica product has detected and blocked them. Its saved my license over and over. Dont get me wrong, I am not doing 100 in a 45 zone, I typically may be 10 over accidentally (I am old, hot rodding aint me), but I also dont want my insurance to skyrocket, attend court, or deal with annoying cops. My suggestion, look at this produt. It works. Its comparatively inexpensive. Once in a while they have a sale, look for that.