For the next 7 days, there’s a 10% off sale on the Uniden DFR7, a very popular city/highway radar detector.
Click here to purchase the Uniden DFR7
Normally the DFR7 retails for $299, but if you enter in the coupon code “VortexRadar” then you’ll save 10% and the price of the detector will drop down $30 to just $269 with free shipping.

Enter the coupon code VortexRadar

$30 Discount applied to a new DFR7
Click here to purchase the Uniden DFR7
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Hi I am from Israel . I am interested to buy Uniden R1. Do you think UnidenR1 in this year would be with arrows? OR I will buy now the R1 or I will be wait? What is your opinion? Thank you . regard from Israel.
I don’t cover international radar detectors. Please ask someone from Israel.