Category: Cobra

Interview with Escort Radar

Escort Radar Interview

Last week I flew out to West Chester, Ohio to meet up with Escort. Lots of you guys have had questions about their products, updates, and customer service, just like I did, so I met up with them to talk about their different products, how things are going, and how things are going to improve. …

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Cobra Radar Detector Reviews

Cobra makes many affordable radar detectors. You can easily find them in the $50 range or so on Amazon. However, are they any good? Are they worth the money? and perhaps most importantly, will a Cobra radar detector help protect you from speeding tickets?

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How Many Bands Can a Cobra Radar Detector Detect?

One day some years ago, I was walking around the automotive section of Best Buy. (This was way back before I got into radar detectors.) I was checking out the different models they had on display, mostly different Cobra brand radar detectors, and wondering what the differences were between models. Some were more expensive. Some …

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The Benefits of GPS in a Radar Detector

Many higher end radar detectors include a GPS chip in the detector. Some detectors even come in two separate models, one with GPS and another without. Some detectors lack a GPS chip built-in, but they offer Bluetooth capability so you can pair it with your phone, run an app, and use your phone’s GPS to …

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Spectre Elite, Driveby Testing

Doing a shootout with the Spectre Elite is a quick and easy way to find out how far away it can detect different radar detectors. However, I’ve found that those results don’t necessarily translate into what you’ll experience in real life. It’s a difficult worst case scenario test, but when an officer is driving past you …

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Spectre Elite, Maximum Detection Range Test

This weekend I tested out a bunch of radar detectors against the Spectre Elite, the latest and greatest version of the Spectre radar detector detector. Radar Detectors Tested: Radenso XP Uniden DFR7 Escort Max360 Escort Passport Max2 Radenso Pro Radenso Pro SE Valentine One Cobra DSP9200BT Cobra XRS 9930 V8 (Cheap Chinese $10 detector) Escort …

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Sept 2015, RD Testing: Stinger VIP, Cobra DSP, Radenso Pro SE, etc.

So as many of you know, I did another RD test last week with the help of many of you guys.

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Affordable Radar Detector Testing, May 2015

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Cobra SPX 7800BT Radar Detector Review

So how good are the inexpensive Cobra radar detectors? Why don’t we do a top of the line Cobra SPX 7800BT review and see what Cobra’s latest and greatest radar detector is capable of? Personally I’m generally a fan of the higher end radar detectors. My point of view is that while you can save …

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